14 June 2010

An Introduction

Welcome to a new way of understanding love and happiness - by viewing both through the eyes of a young man nearly unable to microwave a bowl of soup. Our protagonist, JK, is at once inept and inspired, fitfully cursed and preternaturally blessed, a walking contradiction of terms and conditions whose foibles would be charming if they weren't destructive. His is a life led most ordinary - except, of course, when it is anything but.

Life is about everything JK does - when he shaves, when he sleeps, when he masturbates, his crushing disappointments, his microscopic victories, the way he clucks his tongue and flaps his lips at odd moments and in hip-hop rhythms - beads on a thread all, strung together with a drunkard's steady hand to form a sort of disgusting life loop.

JK informs me that he's been searching for two items: a stone, larger than the rest, to add to this necklace, and a clasp to close the loop. You'd be correct, dear reader, if you surmised that the stone is love, and the clasp is happiness. I can already tell you're much sharper than our poor boy JK.

In the coming weeks and months, you will hear opinions and stories and critical analysis; you may see drawings, diagrams, photographs, catharsis scribbled on cocktail napkins, business plans scrawled in the blood of a homeless junkie. JK hopes that at times you laugh, or cry, or simply sit, angry that some bespectacled sprite of a man has tricked you into wasting time on a gust of hot air. But make no mistake - ultimately, all of our jumbled words are about closing the loop. They are about the intersection of love, happiness, and life.

How close does JK come to closing the loop? We hope you stick around to find out, dear reader. He might even share his soup.

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